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What Four St. Louis Startups Say about the Region's Tech Scene

At LaunchCode, we love adding tech talent to the St. Louis startup scene. Not only is LaunchCode fueling a pipeline for tech talent growth in St...

Helping St. Louis Startups Launch Successful Tech Teams

Innovator. Scrappy. Grit. Collaborative. Visionary. Believer. Ambitious. Eager. Motivated.

Filling the Tech Talent Gap with Balto

LaunchCode recently spoke with Chris Knotes, the COO and one of the founders of Balto, a real-time speech analytics technology company based in St...

Company Partnerships: A Spotlight on Maritz

Companies Partner to Achieve a Common Goal At first glance, Maritz and LaunchCode may seem to have little in common other than being based in St...

Forget What You Heard About Tech Career Paths

What we get wrong about new tech career paths Everyone knows work has changed in the United States. With it have changed the skills we think of as..

An Affordable Answer to the Tech Talent Gap

Most options we rely on to train tomorrow’s tech workers have a crucial flaw. They cost money. Today’s workforce has a massive tech talent deficit..

7 Reasons Why You Need a Junior Talent Pipeline

In the last year, I have spoken with over 100 companies about their experiences working with new-to-tech talent. I’ve heard the best success stories..

Mentorship Matters with Citrix

Mentoring Makes A Difference Did you know that mentoring has a positive impact on both the mentee and the mentor? Turns out, it's great for everyone..